Step Into My World (Hurricane#1)
This song by Hurricane#1 was suggested to me by Adam Barber, Thanks Man!. I have to say, it's a cool song, I'm always looking for requests and donations, please go Here to contribute.
#------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------# # This file is the author's own work and represents their # # interpretation of the song. You may only use this file # # for private study, scholarship, or research. # #--------------------------------------------------------------# Song: Step Into My World Artist: Hurricane#1 Transcribed by: Stefan GyllebyINTRO: F#m E F#m E Dmaj7 Bm Dmaj7 Bm (x2) E------12-- H----10---- G--11------ D---------- A---------- E---------- F#m E we don't live in the same world F#m E we don't live in the same world Dmaj7 Bm i caught you looking in my world Dmaj7 Bm as if you wanna be my girl F#m E i think we're dreamin the same dream F#m E i think we're dreamin the same dream Dmaj7 Bm i'll let you be in my dream Dmaj7 Bm if you show me your dream E Tell me what it means... Dmaj7 A i don't want to spend the rest of my days F#m Bm running around, chasing your shadow Dmaj7 A so please don't let this chance slip away Bm A E if you waste it this time, i won't be here tomorrow F#m E if we get it together F#m E it could last forever Dmaj7 Bm if you got the time to try it Dmaj7 Bm you know that it could be a riot F#m E we don't live in the same world F#m E we don't live in the same world Dmaj7 Bm but i could step in your world Dmaj7 Bm E if you step in my world (MINI SOLO) Dmaj7 A i don't want to spend the rest of my days F#m Bm running around, chasing your shadow Dmaj7 A so please don't let this chance slip away Bm A E if you waste it this time i won't be here tomorrow Dmaj7 A we don't live in the same world Dmaj7 A we don't live in the same world Dmaj7 A take a step into my world E F#m take a step into my world SOLO: Dmaj7 A Dmaj7 A Dmaj7 A E F#m Andys solos areŽnt easy to pick out, but somewhere, i think he plays something like this: e----------------- h-7(7)7-7-7------- g--------9-9-66-9- x3 d----------------- a----------------- e----------------- e--------------------- h--------------------- g----------6---------- d--9(9)9-9---97-99-79- a--------------------- e---------------------
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